News and Events

PEAK Information Seminar on September 4th and 9th 2024
ラベルAugust 7, 2024

Registration is now closed for the PEAK information seminars. Thank you for your registration. The admissions office will contact those who answered that they would like to check the recording around early October.

We will hold an online PEAK information seminar to introduce more about PEAK on September 4th and 9th (Japan Standard Time, JST).

This seminar is a live Q&A session. PEAK faculty members, students, and admissions office staff members will answer your questions at that time.

We kindly ask you to watch the following "Introduction to PEAK" video for the Open Campus Event in August 2024 to understand the basic information about PEAK beforehand. And then, you can submit questions you come up with after watching the video using the Google Form that we share with registrants later.

"Introduction to PEAK" by Prof. Jonathan R. Woodward and Prof. Shefferson

Additionally, we encourage you to read the Application Guidelines beforehand if you have not done so.

Depending on the number of participants, we will use either a Zoom meeting or a Zoom webinar.

We will hold the 1st and 2nd information seminars on different dates and times. We kindly ask you to join one of the seminars.
The date, time, and deadline for signing up for the seminar are as follows.

●1st Information Seminar
-Date: September 4th, Wednesday
-Time: 9:00am–10:15am (JST)
-Deadline for registration: August 28th, Wednesday

●2nd Information Seminar
-Date: September 9th, Monday
-Time: 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm (JST)
-Deadline for registration: September 2nd, Monday

JST is GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) +9. Please confirm what time it will be in your local time in advance.
If you wish to join, please fill in the form below. Closed


If you are unable to participate in one of the sessions due to unavoidable reasons, we may be able to share the part of the recordings later. Please register your information using the same Form if you wish to check the recording. Please do not share the recording with anyone who did not register their information in advance. The recording may be shared with you around early October.

If you have trouble accessing the Form, please contact us before each deadline.

If your family or friends are interested in joining the seminar using different devices (computers, smartphones…) from your device, they are strongly advised to register separately from you.


Your participation is confirmed by the email that you will receive at least one day before each seminar. The email will include the Zoom information to access the information seminar.

Your questions may be shared anonymously on our website later, and the recording may be shared with those who registered through the Form above. Once you complete this form, we assume you agree with these points.

If you have any questions about the seminar, please check the contact information here and contact us. When you send an email to us, please include [Information Seminar] in the subject.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

PEAK Undergraduate Admissions Office